Call for an appointment (973) 423-4770
Call for an appointment (973) 423-4770
Call for an appointment (973) 423-4770
We ask that you provide at least 24 hours advance notice to cancel an appointment. If however, due to circumstances beyond your control, you are unable to keep your appointment and are also unable to provide at least 24 hours advance notice, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may schedule another person requiring care.
Please call your pharmacy regarding refills on medication at least 72 hours in advance to allow sufficient time for the pharmacy, and for your physician, to receive and respond to your request before you run out of your medication.
For maintenance medication, your physician will normally provide refills to last until it is time for your next office visit. If you are out of refills, this may indicate that it is time for you to schedule an appointment with the physician.
If your insurance company requires that you obtain a referral from a primary care physician prior to seeing a specialist, they also require your primary care physician to conduct a medical evaluation of your medical problem and your need for specialty care.
Therefore, if you believe you need to see a specialist, we ask that you make an appointment with your primary care physician in order that he or she may evaluate the problem and make a determination of the need for, and nature of, the specialty referral.
Should you have a brief question or feel the need to speak to your physician by phone, we are available to answer phone messages during those office hours when we are not actively providing direct patient care. This is usually during the noon hour or at the end of the day.
The medical assistant may be asked to return your call after discussing the matter with the physician. Considerable effort is made to respond to phone messages within 24 hours of their receipt, however, with a busy clinic schedule, our telephone time is limited.
It is preferable that the evaluation and treatment of medical problems be conducted during a scheduled office visit with your physician where you can receive adequate care and attention.
We appreciate your understanding and consideration in this regard. If you should have an after-hours emergency, the physicians are on call. The answering service will immediately relay the message to your physician or covering physician and they will return your call within 15 minutes.
Monday and Thursday: 9 am - 7 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday (Sept.- June) 9 am - 1 pm
484 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506